
Mary Keetch Financial Services

Investment & Insurance Services in Ontario


Investment Plans

Non-Registered Investment Accounts

Mutual Funds
We work with leaders in the industry. We look for long term track records, we strive to personally meet with the money managers we work with, look at ways to reduce fees, analyze risk to ensure that your goals are met. Full access to your advisor, open communication and transparency are essential to success in our opinion. We can protect non-registered funds to ensure timely disbursement to your beneficiaries.


Segregated Funds "Power of Naming a Beneficiary"
Did you know that by naming a beneficiary on non-registered assets you can ensure that those assets are private and do not go into the probate process? This could save you thousands of dollars.

You can not add a beneficiary designation to a GIC provided by a bank, trust company or credit union.

TFSA (Tax Free Savings Account)

In 2009 the Federal government announced the creation of the Tax Free Savings Account. This is a valuable planning tool for an emergency fund or long term retirement planning. There is a special tax advantage for spouses named as successor holders on these plans. It is important to work with a professional intentions are properly documented.

RDSP (Registered Disability Savings Plan)

A registered disability savings plan (RDSP) is a savings plan that is intended to help parents and others save for the long term financial security of a person who is eligible for the disability tax credit (DTC).

RESP (Registered Education Savings Plans)

We all want our children to have a better chance at life than we did.  What better way to ensure this than to save for this specific purpose?  HRDC will pay a 20% grant on contributions and under certain circumstances will pay additional grant and a Canadian Learning Bond to families with low income.  Find answers here to commonly asked questions about RESPs.

RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plans)

There are literally thousands of companies to choose from, all with unique features for your consideration.  No worries, that’s why we will work together to see what works best for you.

"Did you know if you are the higher income earner in your household that it may be more beneficial to make the RRSP contribution in your spouses name?  You still get the tax receipt but this can be helpful down the road at retirement to equalize income between you."

LIRA, LIF, Spousal Plans

In our current environment, leaving your company pension with your company is taking a risk.  Current reports suggest that many company pensions are grossly underfunded.  You need to know the advantages and disadvantages of keeping your pension with your company or commuting the value so you have control.

Chequing & Savings Accounts

I look for companies that have a history of paying a great rate of interest to you.  There are no fees to deposit or withdraw money to these accounts.  Personal and Corporate accounts are welcome.


Our firm provides our best rate, the first time.  We work with the top five Canadian Banks, Trust Companies, Credit Unions and Life Insurance Companies –  over 100 companies in all.

Need a guaranteed income in retirement? Tired of getting less than 5% on your GIC’s?

Check out this article if you are ready to retire now:

Check out this article if you have a few years to go and will take income later:

Did you know that by investing with a life insurance company for Non-registered you gain these additional benefits:

  • Ability to name a beneficiary, and by naming a beneficiary you avoid probate costs upon death
  • Potential Creditor Protection
  • You may invest up to 10 year GIC and be covered by Assuris to protect principal
  • CDIC (Investments to Canadian Banks and trust companies)
  • DICO (If your depositing to a credit union in Ontairo)
  • Assuris (Investments to Life Insurance Companies)


  • Mortgage Insurance Did you know that you could be paying more, for coverage that will not be there when you need it? Many times coverage provided by your lender is based on group coverage. Determining if you actually qualified is confirmed at your death. Should you sell your home and purchase another, your current coverage from your current lender must end and a new application needs to be made. If your health has changed you may not qualify at all. Stop procrastinating and put coverage in place so that we can lock in the cost and benefits for life.
  • Term Insurance If your budget is limited and you need coverage, or if you only need coverage for a set amount of time to cover a specific debt, then term insurance may be for you. Always keep your options in mind, every provider is different. Know what you are purchasing.
  • Permanent Insurance Including Whole Life and Universal Life If you need coverage for life and want to ensure financial stability is there when you are not, you must have a foundation of permanent coverage. We can lock in the cost now, so you can feel confident that all has been taken care of.
  • Critical Illness – Critical Illness is a form of health insurance protection that provides a lump sum benefit to you should you survive a serious illness or condition covered by your policy. Illnesses such as Cancer, Heart Attack or Stroke can have an impact on you, your family or business on an emotional and financial level. Critical illness coverage provides a lump sum of cash, tax-free, to help you with the financial means to continue treatment, find the right treatment and protect your financial assets at the same time.
  • Long-Term Care. Ensure you make the decision on the care you wish to receive. You choose if you wish to stay in your home or if you wish to be in a facility. Use the benefit as you choose. No receipts required.
  • Disability Insurance As a professional (dentist, doctor, business owner) what would happen to your income if you were injured? For most individuals it would be devastating to their overall income. Protect yourself, your family and your practice today. We work with all the top providers.

Travel Insurance

Make sure you and your family are properly insured before you leave. Take the next step to receive a quote or purchase your travel insurance coverage. Travel Weblink:

Health & Dental Benefits

No health or dental benefits at work?  Need personal coverage? Take the next step to receive a quote and/or purchase your coverage. Flexcare, FollowMe Health & CI weblink:

Health Care Spending Accounts for Your Business

This is a great idea for small business owners. Find out more about health care spending accounts.

Group Coverage/Corporate Plans
  • Investments
  • Insurance
  • Individual Pension Plans
  • Retirement Compensation Arrangements